Matt Hardy – 'I Enjoyed Being At AEW, Tony Khan Is A Great Guy'

Matt Hardy returned to TNA at the Rebellion 2024 pay-per-view following the expiration of his AEW contract and has since been actively involved with TNA television. Similarly, Jeff Hardy returned to TNA at Against All Odds 2024.

While The Hardy Boyz are now actively involved with TNA, Matt faced allegations of discord with AEW due to his recent remarks about his time there. Hardy has since responded to these allegations.

Matt previously expressed frustrations regarding his booking in AEW. Subsequently, several out-of-context video clips of Hardy began circulating online, leading some fans to speculate about a rift between Hardy and AEW President Tony Khan concerning the treatment of himself and his brother, Jeff.

On a recent edition of his “Extreme Life” podcast, Matt addressed these allegations of discord with AEW and Tony Khan. He clarified his position on the promotion and Khan, emphasizing AEW’s commitment to authenticity and assuring them of his genuine sentiments.

Hardy stated that he thoroughly enjoyed his time at AEW and commended Khan for the exceptional care provided to the performers. He did not hold Khan accountable for the treatment of the roster. However, Hardy expressed disappointment with certain creative decisions made following Jeff’s return.

Hardy believed he and Jeff could have been utilized more effectively after the latter had proven himself over three or four months. His sole concern was this creative frustration, as they were adequately compensated during their time at AEW.

Matt was frustrated that his comments had been misconstrued by fans who only read the headlines. He said,

"The AEW fan base, they see more than anybody else, they want authenticity, they want people to be authentic, I'm about to give you the most authentic answer you could possibly ask for. I greatly enjoyed being at AEW, I think Tony Khan's a great guy. I think he takes incredible care of all his performers at AEW and I would never fault him for that.

I just think some of the creative decisions that were made once Jeff came back and he spent three or four months kind of proving himself, trying to earn everyone's respect and trust back and whatnot. I just feel like following that, we could have been capitalised more on. That's really the only issue that I had any gripes with. We were well compensated while we were working there, I have zero complaints about that.

I loved my time at AEW overall, I love the roster there, a bunch of great people, a bunch of great men and women. Yeah, I was just was frustrated with these things and the fact that people maybe didn't listen to it, they just read headlines and things were taken out of context."

The Hardy Boyz are working as free agents with TNA Wrestling.

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