Taz & Jordynne Grace Get Into Brief Twitter Spat – Details


Jordynne Grace and Taz were involved in a brief spat on Twitter on Tuesday, this after Grace used Taz's catchphrase.

This all started when Grace posted a workout photo of herself and captioned it with the following,

"Beat me if you can.

Survive if I let you."

Taz, who has always been very protective of his trademarked catchphrase, saw the photo and replied with the following,

"Swing and a miss!


Grace clapped back with the following,

"Not being able to quote legends that I've emulated for years wasn't in my pro wrestling handbook, but duly noted."

This led to Taz recording a video where he revealed that while he’s never personally met Grace, he is a fan of her work. Due to the fact that he wasn't tagged in Grace’s original tweet, he says he didn't know she was paying homage to him.

Taz ended his video by saying that they'll probably laugh about this interaction when they eventually meet.

And finally, Grace replied to Taz’s video with the following:

"All good!! I was mostly surprised. I don't tag because I don't ever want to seem like a boot licker, but I got you next time.

Watching an old match of you vs Bigelow and wrestling at the ECW arena this weekend inspired the tweet, 100% an homage! We got the same body type"

So all’s well that ends well?!

NOTE: If you have any news tips or podcast recaps that you’d like to send in for us to post (full credit will be given to you), please email me at RClarkPWS@Yahoo.com.

The post Taz & Jordynne Grace Get Into Brief Twitter Spat – Details appeared first on eWrestlingNews.com.
