Lacey Evans Comments On A Possible Return To Wrestling

During a recent interview with Carlo Perruzza, former WWE Superstar Lacey Evans commented on a potential return to wrestling, her current business interests, and more.

You can check out some highlights from the interview below:

On a potential return to wrestling: "Yeah, I mean, I love wrestling, don't get me wrong. It wasn't my passion, but I love the hard-hitting action. If there's a company out there that will bring me in to kick ass and get my ass kicked, that's great. But right now, we are focused on a lot. We have a lot of investment properties."

On her current business interests: "We invested from all the blessings that WWE has given us. We have a construction company, my husband's a general contractor, which we've ran prior to WWE. So we do a lot. We also teach our kids work ethic. We have Air BNBs, we have properties, we have a cafe named after our girls. I homeschool, I take all that very, very serious."

Lacey Evans departed from WWE in August 2023.

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