Do You Hate The WWE Championship Spinner Belt? | Question Of The Day

Welcome to another eWrestlingNews Question of the Day!

John Cena said on last night’s episode of Raw that his “greatest idea” out of all his “experiments” with the WWE Universe was when he created the spinner belt, making the title a toy. The overwhelmingly negative reaction a good amount of people had to it (but not enough, considering how much of that merch they sold to keep it around as long as they did) is now being used as an element of the story for if he wins the WWE Championship again at WrestleMania 41.

My question for you today is “Did you like, hate, or were you indifferent to the spinner belt?”

Remember to answer with your response in the comments below.

As far as my answer…

I absolutely hated it, and I still hate it to this day, but I’ll say there’s a caveat to that, which I’ll explain further below.

If you’re unaware of my own personal fandom, I can’t remember when I was originally exposed to WWE, but I know that I was already a fan by the time I was 5 years old, enough to dress up as Hulk Hogan for Halloween back then around 92. I grew up with VHS tapes of the 80s and early 90s, watching the New Generation form and play out, and I eventually stopped watching in late 1999 up until some point around 2006.

So from my perspective, the WWF Championship (because it wasn’t WWE when I was watching) was the Winged Eagle title, and then, the Big Eagle belt, which I never liked as much. When I started to dip my feet back into wrestling in 2006, it was after Cena had won the title already and was basically a year into being champion, all things considered. I wasn’t 100% fully back to watching by WrestleMania 22, but I was scoping out the scene and got back into it full time soon after.

That meant when I started to watch the product again, I had to get adjusted to a lot of new things that weren’t around in 1999. It was WWE, not WWF. The women’s division was more prominent. Some of my favorites were gone, but thankfully, some of my other favorites were still there—but they were the elder statesmen, making room for guys I didn’t know, like this John Cena character. And what the hell was the top championship doing spinning around and looking like it was a knock-off holographic Pokemon card all bedazzled like that??

I didn’t like the shape of it, I hated the spinning element, and I hated how it said “champ” instead of “champion” at the bottom. It looked cheap and tacky.

But now, if you had told me that exact same design was used for something like the 24/7 Championship (which of course, didn’t exist at the time), then I think it’s a fun looking belt. It just has to be a gimmick like that. For it to be something prestigious like the main WWE Championship or the Intercontinental Championship or anything along those lines, it was embarrassing. Seeing the top champion spinning that around, along with some of the performers and storylines at the time, made me really question whether or not I wanted to get back into wrestling, as it felt like it was an even bigger hurdle to overcome when explaining to other people that I liked pro wrestling, but I still thought this stuff was hokey. At least when I was a kid and wrestling was cool, I could say to someone that I loved The Undertaker and Stone Cold Steve Austin and they’d give me a hell yeah, not turn their nose up at me. This, though? It felt childish.

So I actually love this storyline going on right now, because a heel John Cena threatening to do the things that people didn’t like that he did as a babyface back 20 years ago is such a great way to avoid doing the typical “You didn’t respect me enough, so now, I’m just going to be like every other heel” shtick. As much as I love Cody Rhodes, I’m so down to see Cena win his 17th world title. Just don’t bring back the spinner belt, please!

What do you think? Drop your thoughts below!

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