Corey Graves Analyzes Chad Gable's Push, Karmen Petrovic Praises Natalya

In a recent appearance on the “Over the Top” podcast, Corey Graves discussed the evolving landscape of talent opportunities within WWE, citing Chad Gable as a prime example.

Graves highlighted the longstanding issue of certain wrestlers being stereotyped in specific roles but acknowledged that the new leadership is providing them with fresh prospects for growth.

Graves said, "I think you're going to see more frequently, in the next year-18 months or so, you're going to see a lot of superstars who came up through the system, through NXT, maybe the Black & Gold NXT days or the earlier days of NXT, who came up to Raw or SmackDown and, let's just say they weren't looked at through the same lens as when they were succeeding in NXT. Different set of eyes and different set of hands controlling things. You're going to see a few more superstars become more authentic versions of themselves. Perhaps who we thought or someone up top thought they were going to be initially, or early on, and they were forced to detour for one reason or another. It happens. Frequently. Probably more common than getting to succeed at a high level as your authentic self. Rarely is your final vision where you end up. Gable is a shining example of somebody who was typecast incorrectly for many years. Now, finally, you have a different chef in the kitchen saying, 'No, we just need to do it differently,' and boom, here we are talking about how amazing he's been.”

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