Who Steps Up to Replace Kayla Braxton as WWE's Top Broadcaster? | Question of the Day


Yesterday’s EWN Question of the Day revolved around Dijak and where he should go next after leaving WWE on June 28, 2024. Well, as we’ve known for a few days, he wasn’t the only one leaving World Wrestling Entertainment today. Kayla Braxton had her final appearance on WWE SmackDown.

Her situation was quite different from Dijak’s. Braxton had an offer on the table to re-sign with WWE, but chose not to.

Also unlike Dijak, she’s stated that she does not intend to stay within the wrestling business. If she had, she would have just stayed with WWE, and isn’t looking to go to another company like All Elite Wrestling or elsewhere. Instead, Braxton—or, we should say, Kayla Becker, now that she doesn’t have to go by some other name (never understood the need for that)—is looking to expand her reach in other forms of the entertainment industry after moving to Los Angeles, California.

That means there’s no point in talking about where Kayla will go next within this wrestling bubble. Instead, your EWN Question of the Day today is “Who is going to fill the void left by Kayla Braxton?”

Let’s face it, WWE has been gutting its broadcast personnel as of late. For some reason, McKenzie Mitchell and Matt Camp were let go earlier this year, and with Braxton leaving, there aren’t too many people left to be in these positions. Even if WWE decides not to hire someone else, somebody is going to have to step up and be the top personality on that front.

Braxton had been the go-to girl, similar to how others like Renee Young and Mean Gene Okerlund had been in the past. Not only was she a backstage interviewer, she hosted shows, took charge of pre-show panels, and more.

At this point, WWE is basically down to the following names: Jackie Redmond, Byron Saxton, Kelly Kincaid, Ryan Pappolla, Sarah Schreiber and Megan Morant. Technically, there are others like Peter Rosenberg and Sam Roberts who come in for guest spots, as well as Scott Stanford, who sticks to hosting shows like Afterburn and This Week in WWE. They could always give more responsibilities to people like Corey Graves as well, but typically speaking, commentators don’t do the other gigs at the same time.

From my personal perspective, I’d be scrambling to rehire McKenzie Mitchell or Matt Camp. Mitchell seems like the more likely of the two if that were to be the case, based on Camp’s most recent words about WWE (where he’s justifiably bitter; I don’t blame him whatsoever). Mitchell was very bit as good as Braxton, if not better, in my opinion.

However, if I’m going with a prediction, I think we’re looking at Jackie Redmond filling in this spot. She seems to have been given more and more responsibilities as time has gone on, even though she came into the fold after Cathy Kelley, who would be my main pick if they were to stay in-house and not bring someone like Mitchell back.

Who do you think will end up being the top broadcast person in WWE now that Kayla is leaving? Drop your predictions and thoughts in the comments below!

The post Who Steps Up to Replace Kayla Braxton as WWE’s Top Broadcaster? | Question of the Day appeared first on eWrestlingNews.com.
