Vince McMahon Says He Enjoys Confrontation, DJ Hed Comments On Meeting CM Punk At RAW

During the “Mr. McMahon” docuseries that is currently streaming on Netflix, Vince McMahon recalled his 1992 appearance on Donahue where he was asked about several allegations against WWE.

McMahon appeared on the show along with Murray Hodgson, Billy Graham, Bruno Sammartino, and Barry Orton, all of whom spoke about their issues with McMahon and the company.

During the docuseries, McMahon revealed that he appeared on the show because he “enjoys confrontation.”

You can check out some highlights below:

Vince McMahon on his appearance on Donahue: "I'm one of the few people in the world who enjoys confrontation. If there was a situation like Donahue, I have no problem at all confronting someone, especially if they're lying … whether it was a good decision or bad decision, at that time, at this time. I did it."

Stephanie McMahon on the appearance: "Donahue was an opportunity to stand up for himself. I don't think it went the way he wanted it to."

Radio personality DJ Hed met up with CM Punk at last week’s WWE RAW TV tapings, and he recently took to his “The Bigger Picture” podcast to discuss getting to meet Punk, WWE’s hot streak right now, and more.

You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:

On meeting up with CM Punk: "CM Punk and I have mutual perspectives on life. Big fan of CM Punk. He lives a straight edge lifestyle. He advocates for it publicly. He doesn't do drugs or anything like that. I've been doing the same thing my entire career."

On WWE's hot streak right now: "Right now, it's a cool production. Everyone knows it's scripted and they're not relying on kayfabe or the fourth wall. Now, it's all about storytelling and it's really really good. It's the best it's been in a decade. Currently, with Triple H taking over and running creative. We've seen all behind the scenes and storylines. You have two black women as WWE women's champions right now. It's a different era. You can't fake ticket sales. All the tentpole events are going two days. They just announced Cardi B at SummerSlam. You can't fake ticket sales. If you do a football arena two days in a row, there is no way to fake that. Monday Night Raw coming to Netflix in January, it's going to be epic. It's going to the landscape of how we consume content."

NOTE: If you have any news tips or podcast recaps that you’d like to send in for us to post (full credit will be given to you), please email me at

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