Marty Jannetty Wants One Last Match With Shawn Michaels, WWE Vault Drops Unseen WCW Show

During a recent interview with Buff Bagwell, former WWE Superstar Marty Jannetty expressed his desire to wrestle his old tag team partner, Shawn Michaels, one last time.

Jannetty said, "I would love to get in and have one final match with Shawn. It might [draw a rating]… because with each other, we can still go pretty good… Two senior citizens in there. I don't know how many people would see that."

WWE Vault posted a full unseen WCW Live show that took place on March 13, 1993, in England.

The show features the following lineup, and you can watch it below:

* Johnny B. Badd vs. Scott Flamingo

* Maxx Payne vs. Michael Hayes

* Barry Windham & Rick Rude vs. Dustin Rhodes & Van Hammer

* Davey Boy Smith vs. Vinnie Vegas (aka Kevin Nash)

* Big Van Vader vs. Cactus Jack

* Sting vs. Paul Orndorff

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