Lex Luger Reveals What His WWE Hall Of Fame Induction Means To Him


During a recent edition of his “Lex Expressed” podcast, Lex Luger commented on his upcoming Hall of Fame induction and why he doesn’t see it as closure.

You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:

On not viewing the Hall of Fame as closure: "Well, I still work with the company, so to be continued. I don't see closure. If you'd asked me after I left, and then a lot of things that happened after that, if this moment would have ever come, almost 20 years ago, I would have said, 'Not a chance I'll have anything even to do in wrestling,' right?"

On wanting to take things to another level: "So, I mean, I can take this to a whole other level. So I don't know about closure because it's to be continued. I love working with the Legends program, and it goes on, and we get together with the guys for events they send us to. It's like a class reunion. Yeah, the party goes on. It's like a love fest with us and the fans. It's amazing. So I don't know about look at this as closure at all, but just, it's just like a gold star."

NOTE: If you have any news tips or podcast recaps that you’d like to send in for us to post (full credit will be given to you), please email me at RClarkPWS@Yahoo.com.

The post Lex Luger Reveals What His WWE Hall Of Fame Induction Means To Him appeared first on eWrestlingNews.com.
