Jonathan Coachman Talks Janel Grant's Allegations Against Vince McMahon

Vince McMahon relinquished his role as CEO and Chairman of WWE in 2022 following reports of hush-money allegations.

Although McMahon remained involved in and influenced the creative process, he departed the company in September after the WWE-UFC merger, when he assumed the role of Executive Chairman of TKO.

The 78-year-old billionaire ultimately resigned from TKO earlier this year following severe allegations made by former WWE employee Janel Grant.

Grant filed a lawsuit against McMahon, John Laurinaitis, and WWE, accusing McMahon of sex trafficking, rape, and more.

In a recent interview with “Gabby AF,” former WWE broadcaster Jonathan Coachman mentioned that he feels disgusted by the accusations against McMahon.

Coachman also shared his belief that McMahon lacks genuine friendships or people he can trust because he has ruined all those relationships.

You can check out some highlights from the interview below:

Coachman on the allegations against Vince McMahon: "I've never commented on the allegations, but I think they're disgusting. I think they come from somewhere. And also, if you've never been around Vince, not only is he intimidating… you probably have more than a few friends that on a Saturday afternoon, or on a Sunday afternoon, you say, 'Hey, the football game's on, you wanna come over and watch it?' Vince doesn't have one of those people in his life. Not one. Doesn't have a friend that's [like], 'Hey, you wanna go have a drink?’"

On McMahon only meeting up with people like John Cena because they want something from him: "That to me is a sad existence. I don't care how much money you have. What relationships did you leave behind? Vince has screwed up every single one of those."

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