Jeff Jarrett – 'It Would Be Challenging To Turn Owen Hart Cup Into A PPV'

On a recent edition of his “My World” podcast, WWE Hall of Famer Jeff Jarrett discussed the possibility of AEW transforming the Owen Hart Cup into a pay-per-view event.

You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:

On AEW potentially turning the Owen Hart Cup into a pay-per-view event: "Oh, boy, you broadened it out, Conrad. The Owen Hart is — you know, tournaments, and I've gone into great detail, are the challenge from a creative perspective. Because in the age of instant gratification, everyone wants to see who's winning. That's it. 'I want to see who's winning this thing.' And so I think you would have to do multiple things around it. I think a stand-alone could be a challenge… A standalone event, I think would be a challenge because I think the stories, episodically the way it's laid out right now, are probably a better route."

On Owen Hart playing ribs on him: "Every match I had with Owen, there was some type of small rib or big rib. But the last in-ring rib that Owen played was just such a classic. And I've told the story multiple times but you know, the business was hot… legitimately, you can probably go back and look at what the house show did. A Saturday, May 22, 1999 at Allstate Arena, a house show. But we're on a tag run and we had worked with Edge and Christian multiple times. And so we more or less had our match down. Owen was late to the building; he would fly day one from the start of the tour, and he was late to the building. Me and Edge & Christian were obviously already there. And Owen comes in and we knew he could get dressed and hurry, but he's like, 'Hey, Jeff, come here, come here.'

"And he pulls me into the bathroom. And he's tying his boots as he's telling me this, and he's got these two red noses. And he's like, 'Alright, here's what we're doing. You know the spot where they end up throwing us together, but before they do we take a tackle and we end up in the corners, and they go up on the turnbuckles and give us the 10-count punch, and blah blah blah?' He says, 'In the middle of that, turn to the side. And on 10 put on your red nose and then they'll shoot us together.' And he said, 'Make sure the noses go off up in the air.' I heard Taker not long ago on something on his podcast, that Owen would rib him. And when you kind of rib him, that's Owen. You know, he's working with Undertaker and shoots him off and call the most outlandish — 'Duck the elbow twice. I'm going to hit you with a flying spin kick, get a one two and kick out, grab the headlock.' And he's dead serious and he can call it like that. And anyway, I could go on and on and talk about it. But yes, Owen has ribbed me. There's nobody that he hasn't ribbed if you got in the ring with him."

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