Eric Young Talks TNA Wrestling's Momentum, Hiroshi Tanahashi On NJPW-STARDOM Merger

In a recent interview with Brass Ring Media, TNA wrestler Eric Young analyzed the fluctuations experienced by TNA Wrestling, emphasizing the company’s recent resurgence in momentum.

You can check out some highlights from the interview below:

Eric Young on the comparison of TNA to Nickelback: "At one point in time, it was cliché to hate them [Nickelback] and say that to anybody that would listen, and I think TNA Wrestling was that at one point."

On TNA finding its place in wrestling:  "I think it's definitely found its place. I think the other part of that is Impact as a television show has been on network television for 20 years. It's an insane accomplishment, an insane one."

On TNA finally having momentum: "The truth is they're always trying to go. In this company, like any company, has had ebbs and flows. But, right now, in the last year or two, there really does feel like there's this really positive momentum."

As we previously reported here on eWn, New Japan Pro-Wrestling (NJPW) has finalized its merger with STARDOM, officially establishing STARDOM as a wholly-owned subsidiary of NJPW.

In a recent video, NJPW President Hiroshi Tanahashi commented on the successful completion of the merger. Tanahashi stated that while both STARDOM and NJPW shows will maintain separate operations, there are plans for collaborative promotional work and joint interviews in the future.

He said, "Today, I was officially able to make an address in front of the fans of STARDOM. Essentially, STARDOM and New Japan shows will continue to run as they have previously. But there are places where we can work with each other, such as with promotional work and interviews. I'm going over the to the USA, where men's and women's wrestling are traditionally both represented equally in companies. I'll be working with President Okada to make sure that the event can be enjoyed by everyone."

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