Earl Hebner Says The Reason Given Behind WWE Firing Is A Lie


Professional wrestling referee Earl Hebner has rejected the long-standing reason given as to why he was abruptly fired by WWE in 2005.

For years, it has been claimed that Earl and his brother were let go after Earl was found selling WWE merchandise without telling the company.

While speaking to Ten Count Media, Earl questioned the mentality that he would risk a high-profile role with WWE for some side hustle. He said,

"Why would I give up a $250,000-a-year job for a $12 t-shirt? It never made sense to me. The truth was never told—it was all a lie. But you know, there were other places I went, and I just kept going."

Explaining what he claims really happened, Earl said he was fired by WWE as part of a ploy from John Laurinaitis to get rid of both Hebner brothers.

Hebner, known for his role in the Montreal Screwjob, would later find a home in TNA Wrestling as well as making non-in-ring appearances elsewhere.

The post Earl Hebner Says The Reason Given Behind WWE Firing Is A Lie appeared first on eWrestlingNews.com.
