Drew McIntyre Believes The UK Will Host A WrestleMania One Day

03/23/2025 01:57 PM
WrestleMania coming to the United Kingdom isn’t a question of if, but rather when, at least according to Scotland’s very own Drew McIntyre.
For years, there has been speculation about a WrestleMania happening outside North America, with the UK being the most likely location.
In a recent interview with the Daily Star, McIntyre was asked about more pay-per-views and perhaps a WrestleMania coming to the UK. He said,
"These days I have a very different mindset than what I used to have, in that anything and everything is possible. It's not just that there's going to be a big show in the UK at some point. I believe there is going to be a WrestleMania."
At WWE Money in the Bank 2023, John Cena shared his intentions to try and bring WrestleMania to London, England to the delight of the live crowd.
In the interview, McIntyre took issue with Cena ‘claiming’ credit for the idea that McIntyre has held on to for much longer. He said,
“John Cena tried to claim credit for it when we came to London a couple of years back. I said it first that there would be a Mania in the UK before Cena started running around trying to take credit. Drew McIntyre said it first because I know it's going to happen eventually.”
The upcoming RAW will take place in Glasgow Scotland while next week’s episode of the red brand will be from London, England.
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