Dave Bautista Reveals The Time He Thought Vince McMahon Was Going To Fire Him


At the 2005 WWE Royal Rumble pay-per-view event, there was a major botch which saw Dave Bautista and John Cena fall to the floor.

During the Royal Rumble match itself, Bautista and Cena were the final two competitors. In an unplanned moment, both men fell to the floor at the same time. This led to Vince McMahon storming to the ring — during which he tore both of his quads.

While speaking on a recent edition of the “Insight With Chris Van Vliet” podcast, Bautista revealed that he thought he was going to be fired over the botch.

You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:

On Vince McMahon's quad tear: "I think later on, I didn't realize during the match, I didn't know why he was sitting there. I had no idea what was going on, I was just worried about the match. Then they got him out of there. I think I found out later on."

On being worried he was going to get fired over it: "I got to the building and somebody immediately said, 'Vince wants to see you in his office.' I was saying, 'Ah, here it comes.' So I went to his office, and my heart is beating, just in my head I'm packing my bags."

On McMahon being in a good mood when he arrived: "I was like, 'You're not going to fire me?' And he goes, 'No, I loved it. It was real. It was so great, and it was real, and nobody knew what was going happen.' He loved it."

NOTE: If you have any news tips or podcast recaps that you’d like to send in for us to post (full credit will be given to you), please email me at RClarkPWS@Yahoo.com.

The post Dave Bautista Reveals The Time He Thought Vince McMahon Was Going To Fire Him appeared first on eWrestlingNews.com.
