Arn Anderson Weighs In On Brian Pillman's Four Horsemen Fit

03/15/2025 12:32 PM
During a recent edition of his “The ARN Show” podcast, Arn Anderson discussed the brief reunion of The Four Horsemen with Brian Pillman in 1995.
You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:
On the short-lived Four Horsemen reunion in 1995 with Brian Pillman: "I think that was the plan all along. And if you remember, there was an assist by Pillman on the finish to our match, Ric and I's match. There was a kick in the back of the head from the apron, which fed into the DDT. So that put a little more interest on the deal. It immediately put me in a position to — when you can get a 1-2-3 on Ric Flair, you accomplished something in the business. You can hang your hat on that for the rest of your career, because it wasn't that often. Ric didn't get beat that often. It was like Hogan, same thing. He didn't get beat very often. And if it took the National Guard to beat him, so be it at the 1-2-3. This was a way to put Pillman in a position where, he was already on the way up interest-wise with the fans. This gave him a shot in the arm, put him in the mix with with top guys and have a huge impact on the match."
On whether Brian Pillman was a legit fit into the Four Horsemen: "I liked the character that he was playing, because I'm not sure if he was [a] character. Brian Pillman I think was very intelligent, very articulate. But I think that he had — and in a good way, he had a screw loose. And he saw things from from a whole different perspective than a lot of people. It's not easy to pull crazy off without it coming to be coming across as being hokey.
"You know, there's not one night when he did some of the crazy stuff that he did, as simple as it may be like screaming on a promo at the babyfaces and getting right up in their mug. You know, one night he did that, he overstepped his boundaries and I slapped the s*it out of him. And that was one of those that he ad-libbed, and so did I. But you can't get up in a top babyfaces grill and be raising holy hell at him, spitting and and all that goes along with it, screaming and spitting without him doing something. You bury him. So I had to put a speed bump in that pretty quick. But I don't know if that was just Brian being Brian, thinking that he could get away with anything because he was half-nuts, or just playing a great character. Either way, it worked."
The post Arn Anderson Weighs In On Brian Pillman’s Four Horsemen Fit appeared first on eWrestlingNews.com.