Tony Khan Is Asked About AEW Forbidden Door, MJF, Britt Baker, Dijak & Becky Lynch

Tony Khan Is Asked About AEW Forbidden Door, MJF, Britt Baker, Dijak & Becky LynchJeff WhalenJun 27, 2024 - 4:44 pm

-- AEW CEO Tony Khan participated in a conference call with members of the media ahead of this weekend's AEW x NJPW Forbidden Door PPV. Below is a recap written by Jason Powell,

-Tony Khan opened the call by saying this is one of his favorite times of the year. He spoke about having NJPW, CMLL, and Stardom involved and then opened it up for calls.

-Jeff Jarrett's promo from AEW Collision and his involvement in the Owen Hart Cup tournament was brought up by the first caller. Khan spoke highly of Jarrett and his business mind. Khan said he's a legendary pro wrestler, who is known all over the world.

-Khan was asked about MJF returning and being on the Forbidden Door show. Khan said it's great to have MJF back and it will be great to see him face one of Khan's favorites Hechicero at Forbidden Door.

-A caller asked if Forbidden Door could go international with a show in Japan. Khan said it was a great question. He spoke about the history of the show and said they are poised to have a $1 million gate on Sunday, which would be three consecutive years the show has topped that milestone. Khan spoke about the potential of other pay-per-views in Japan with NJPW.

-Khan was asked which match he is most looking forward to at Forbidden Door. Khan said it was a very loaded question. He said it would put him in a bad position to pick one, then said you can't pick against Swerve Strickland vs. Will Ospreay for the AEW World Championship. Khan spoke about Toni Storm vs. Mina Shirakawa for the AEW Women's Championship, Jon Moxley vs. Tetsuya Naito for the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship, and Mercedes Mone vs. Stephanie Vaquer in the title vs. title match.

-Khan was asked why they are going with Mark Briscoe vs. Kyle Fletcher for the ROH World Championship before Death Before Dishonor. Khan said they both have busy schedules and are booked all over the world. Khan said he wants to put great matches on HonorClub for the fans.

-Khan was asked about Britt Baker. Khan said he's happy that she will be cleared to return soon. He also mentioned that he is looking forward to having Jamie Hayter and Kenny Omega back.

-Khan replied to a question about whether there are future plans to work with Stardom. Khan said absolutely. He said he wants to bring Stardom talent regularly to AEW. Khan spoke about the possibility of Stardom wrestler Mina Shirakawa winning the AEW Women's Championship on Sunday. Khan said AEW wrestlers are working on getting their visas and could end up working in Stardom.

-MJF's character shift was brought up by a caller, who asked how much input Khan has when it comes to what he needs for the show and what MJF's vision is. Khan said some wrestlers come in with a lot ideas and some wrestlers who come in with a lot of good ideas. Khan said he spends a lot of time thinking about ideas and communicating with people in the office. He said some wrestlers come up with ideas, some want the office to do it, and some are in between. Khan said he loves communicating with MJF. He said his look and spirit are authentic to him.

-Khan was asked if there will be more talent exchanged between the AEW and CMLL women's division. Khan said he thinks so. He mentioned again that they are working on getting AEW wrestlers their visas for Stardom in Japan and CMLL in Mexico. Khan said it's a little easier from a travel perspective for wrestlers to travel back and forth between AEW and CMLL. Khan said he loves working with CMLL.

-Khan responded to a question by saying he feels great about having four women's matches on the Forbidden Door lineup.

-Khan spoke about the summer series of shows coming up. He said they will be bringing big matches to Dallas. Khan said the city of Arlington is excited about it and so is he. Khan said Dallas is one of the greatest wrestling cities in the world. Khan said Arlington is the last place he saw the late Jay Briscoe.

-Jim Ross's status for Forbidden Door was brought up. Khan said he's been in touch with Ross and he would love to have him back involved when his health permits.

-Khan was asked if he feels that NXT and TNA working together was inspired by Forbidden Door. Khan said he's happy to see companies working together and he also enjoys the competition.

-Khan was asked about Dijak and whether he's made an offer to Becky Lynch. Khan said he would prefer not to do his free agent negotiating on the media call. Khan said it's an exciting time in pro wrestling. He said that when they launched AEW, one of the things he told the TNT and TBS management at the time was that free agency in pro wrestling had not been what it once was in the nineties. Khan said he respects the names that were mentioned. Khan spoke about their recent free agent signings and put over Kazuchika Okada and his history in the G1 tournament and potentially being in the Continental Classic. Khan also spoke favorably about free agent additions Will Ospreay, Mercedes Mone, and Adam Copeland. Khan said they miss Copeland every day and called him "the biggest, most positive influence you could ask for."

-Khan issued his closing comments. He said it's a big year for the company with their media rights renewal coming up. He said the deal will affect everyone who works for the company as well as the fans. Khan said he feels they are in the red zone and are making a play for the goal line. Khan said he hopes they are about to put the ball in the end zone.
