TNA iMPACT Results 9/19/24

TNA iMPACT starts NOW!

Alisha comes out and says she is no longer a tag champ in TNA and she knows the fans are really upset about it. She says if it wasn't for Masha, she would still be champion. She says if Masha thought she could embarrass her in front of the world, she has another thing coming. Masha Slamovich comes out. Alisha says Masha can't do anything because Alisha is under concussion protocol. She says Masha doesn't understand a word she's saying as she doesn't even speak English. Masha speaks in Russian and says she understands everything that she's ever said. She says she's sick of hearing her voice and she's sick of her. Tasha Steelz attacks Masha from behind but Masha pulls her by the hair and beats on her but Alisha hits her with Kendra the kendo stick. Jordynne Grace's music hits and Tasha tries to hit her with the kendo stick but Grace blocks it with her belt. The System come running down and surround Grace but the Hardy's music hits and The System bail. Santino Marella's music hits and he says if they want to fight so bad, they're going to get their wish. He books a 6-person tag match for tonight. Arianna Grace's music hits and she says she books her with a mystery tag partner from NXT against Wendy Choo and Rosemary next week.

Josh Alexander is backstage and Eric Young walks up to him. Eric says he's been in the position Josh has been in. He says it's about respect and there's a lot of young guys looking at his every move. He says Josh is a leader here and it's time to take it serious.

Jordynne Grace is backstage with Masha Slamovich and says she's been holding open challenges hoping Masha would accept it and maybe they can do it now. Masha says she has got other things to do for now. Masha knocks on the Hardy's door and shows them a picture of a younger her with Matt Hardy and says that as a young wrestler from Russia, she never thought that she would ever team up with them. Matt Hardy says that's the beauty of pro-wrestling.

AJ Francis and KC Navarro vs. Sinner and Saint

KC chops Icarus and hits a double stomp for two. Tag to AJ and he whips KC into Icarus but he flips him over to the outside of the ring and hits a DDT to AJ and tags to Travis Williams. He hits a Missile Dropkick to KC and hits a Suicide Dive to KC outside the ring. He turns him inside out for a facebuster for two. AJ launches Icarus into Williams and hits the Down Payment with a splash from KC for the win.

Winners: AJ Francis and KC Navarro

We see Santana with a barbed wire bat. He says they don't realise how comfortable he feels in this world. He said he's going to baptise JD in his own blood. He says they're locked in this world with him.

Gia Miller is backstage with Mike Bailey and says it feels great and says the X-Division is the most competitive division in all of wrestling. Gia says Santino Marella booked him, Leon Slater and Kushida against Zachary Wentz and ABC. Mike Bailey says he can't wait for it.

We see footage of Steph de Lander and PCO after Victory Road. Steph tells PCO needs to be patient.

Matt Cardona vs. Rhino

Rhino suplexes Cardona on the ramp. Matt Cardona hits a Missile Dropkick for two. Cardona punches Rhino in the corner but Rhino catches him with a powerbomb for two. Rhino looks under the ring and pulls out a steel chair. Matt Cardona hits Rhino with a steel chair and the referee calls for the bell.

Winner via DQ: Rhino

The lights go out and when they come back, PCO hits a chokeslam and goes for a PCOSault but Cardona moves out of the ring. PCO hits a PCOSault onto a steel chair and hits hammer fists onto the chair.

Spitfire come out for their match. Arianna Grace comes out and congratulates them and says she would like to see them defend their titles against some new competitors. She introduces Kendal Grey and Carlee Bright.

Spitfire vs. Kendal Grey and Carlee Bright

Spitfire hit Kendal Grey with a delayed vertical suplex for two. Dani hits goes for a powerbomb but Kendal pushes Dani and tags to Karlee Bright. She hits a headscissors on Dani and hits double knees followed a hurrancanrana off the second rope and moonsault for two. Jody tags herself in and hits a moonsault and they hit the Pressure Drop for the win.

Winners and STILL TNA Knockouts Tag-Team Champions: Spitfire

Ash by Elegance is in the make-up room with her Personal Concierge. Heather Reckless comes up and says she's been calling Ash and she wants to fix her style. The Personal Concierge says they're busy and they'll think about it. She asks them to watch her match next week and make their decision. Ash says they're busy right now.

JDC vs. Santana in a Texas Death Match

Santana sets up steel chairs in the middle of the ring. He punches JDC in the corner but JDC powerbombs him onto the chairs. JDC pulls out a trash can and puts it on Santana and hits him with a kendo stick. JDC goes to the top rope and hits a leg drop onto Santana in a trash can. Santana is busted open and JDC pulls him up but Santana hits him with the barbed wire bat. Back from commercial and Santana hits a piledriver on the stage for two. JDC hits a tornado DDT off the stairs for two. JDC runs into Santana but Santana flips him over onto the barricade. Santana gets an equipment cart and drives it into JDC. Santana climbs onto the stage and looks to dive onto JDC but then he finds a ladder and sets it up and climbs it and hits a splash to get a three count. The referee counts to 10 and Santana wins.

Winner: Mike Santana

After the match, Moose comes out and attacks Santana with a steel chair.

Sinner and Saint are backstage and Josh Alexander walks up to them and he says they have a lot of potential. He says if they need any help or advice they can reach out to him.

We see a vignette for Lei Ying Lee. She says she will be reborn as a stronger self that will never be extinguished. She will debut next week.

Joe Hendry comes out. The fans chant "We believe". Joe Hendry says this year has been a roller coaster. He says Victory Road was special and he made a statement when he beat Josh Alexander. He says that makes him pretty important in TNA Wrestling. He says when he came to TNA, his goal was the TNA World Championship. He says there are a lot of people back there that don't want him to be successful. He says that doesn't matter because the audience lifted him up and he has a feeling that they will lift him up to the TNA World Championship. Kazarian's music hits and he comes out. He says the only reason Joe beat Josh is because he had a loaded weapon in his crotch. He says people become sick on one-hit wonders and he's sick of Joe. He says Joe sounds like a cross between Shrek and Groundskeeper Willie. He says if anyone deserves a shot at the TNA World Championship, it's Frankie Kazarian. He says if Nic Nemeth is any kind of Champion, he will come out and grant Kazarian his title shot. Nic Nemeth's music hits. He tells Kazarian to shut up. He tells Joe that he expects big things from Joe Hendry in the future. He says Kazarian calls himself the King of TNA, but there's only one crown that matters here, the TNA World Championship, and this is the closest Kazarian will get to it. Santino Marella comes out and books Kazarian vs. Joe Hendry for next week and the winner will face Nic Nemeth at Bound For Glory.

The System (Brian Myers, Eddie Edwards) & Tasha Steelz vs. The Hardys (Matt, Jeff Hardy) & Masha Slamovich

Steelz and Slamovich get things started for their respective teams. After some basic back-and-forth action early on, we see things pick up when all six end up getting involved. The Hardys help Slamovich live a dream spot, as she helps execute Poetry in Motion. Matt and Jeff follow up with another big double-team high spot before the show heads into a mid-match commercial break as the action continues. When we return, we see The System helping each other out, with Jeff Hardy's Whisper in the Wind attempt thwarted by a quick step from the intended landing target. Myers goes to work on Jeff Hardy as fans lambast him with "You suck! You suck!" chants. We see The System enjoy the offensive lead for another minute or two and then The Hardys help shift the momentum back in their team's favor. Fans pump up Matt Hardy with "DELETE! DELETE!" chants. Before he can go for his finisher, Alisha Edwards gets involved at ringside. The referee ejects her from ringside and the crowd pops. She makes a big issue out of leaving. Hands on the hips and the whole deal. Out comes ABC duo Chris Bey and Ace Austin, who each hoist her up and carry her to the back. Steelz attacks Slamovich from behind in the ring. Masha hits a turning splash through the ropes onto Steelz on the floor. Jeff Hardy hits a Twist of Fate on Edwards. Matt Hardy hits one on Myers. Jeff hits a Swanton Bomb off the top-rope. Matt goes for the cover. 1-2-3. The Hardys and Masha Slamovich pick up the win in a fun main event. The three celebrate their victory as Tom Hannifan mentions the lineup for next week's show again, noting the Road to TNA Bound For Glory 2024 kicks off next Thursday night. That's how this week's show goes off the air.

Winners: The Hardys & Masha Slamovich

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