ROH On HonorClub Results 3/6/25

ROH on HonorClub starts … NOw!

Chris Jericho was backstage with Renee Pacquette at Dynamite, talking to Big Bill and Bryan Keith about their losses to Bandido and Will Hobbs. Jericho talked about how there was huge opportunities to be main event players, and they were not living out to the potential and expectations that Jerich has for them. Keith and Bill walked away looking focused.

ROH Women's World Champion Athena defeated La Catalina

Really solid opening match for ROH this week, with Athena and Catalina both looking good. Athena continues to be one of the best parts of these shows, and somehow still gets heat as a heel despite being their top champion for so long.

Catalina and Athena kept the Code of Honor, but it didn't take long before Athena started mocking Catalina. Catalina won a test of strength with Catalina, but it was countered into a cradle. Catalina hit a dropkick after some misdirection, and hit a shotgun dropkick to send Athena to the floor. Athena hit a swinging uranage on the floor on Catalina and ordered Aubrey Edwards to check on Catalina.

Catalina countered a handspring from Athena with a Basaiku knee and another dropkick. Catalina hit an electric chair drop for a 2-count. Catalina went for an inside cloverleaf, and attempted to get Athena to submit, but Athena got to the ropes and fought out. Athena blocked a German suplex and hit a popup powerbomb, held on, and hit another powerbomb on Catalina for a 2-count. Athena went for a modified gogoplata, but Catalina leaned forward and got a 2-count. Athena transitioned into a LaBell lock, but Catalina countered out and hit a Pedigree for a 2-count. Athena hit a hard elbow and went to the top rope to hit the O-Face for the pinfall.

–MXM was backstage with their own customized ROH World Tag Team Championship that they stole from Dustin Rhodes & Sammy Guevara with custom faceplates with their faces on them. The claimed they did not lose their title in Australia because Australia isn't real.

Jay Lethal & Satnam Singh (w/ Sonjay Dutt) defeated McCallion & Slade

Lethal started the match with McCallion, but Slade blind tagged in and they started getting heat on Lethal early on. Lethal flipped out of a back suplex attempt and rolled towards Singh and paused, smiled, and as the fans cheered for him to tag in Singh, the two heels tried to shush the audience, which was hilarious. The audience cheered, and Singh tagged in and massacred McCallion, who lost his mask as Singh repeatedly hit short chokeslams on him. Singh then chokeslammed both men, body slammed Slade on McCallion, and pinned them both. That was fun.

Billie Starks defeated Mylo

Starks was quite violent in this match, showing that Athena has had more of an effect on her than she would like to admit as she continues to be one of Athena's minions. Mylo's offence in this match did not look that great, but that didn't stop Starks from looking good with her senton bomb finish.

–A hype video aired for The Outrunners as they hawked Outrunner merch. It was great.

The Sons of Texas (Dustin Rhodes & Sammy Guevara) defeated Jon Cruz & Olumide

Guevara started the match with Olumide, sending him from the ring quickly to also throw Cruz across the ring. Dustin Rhodes tagged in and ate a punch from Cruz, which his funny given their size difference. Cruz ate a flying forearm from Rhodes, and Guevara hit a standing moonsault for a 2-count. Guevara hit a stalling suplex on Cruz, but Cruz raked the eyes of Guevara and tagged out to Olumide. Rhodes tagged in and took control, before setting up Guevara for a senton bomb for the pinfall.

–MXM Collection came out and attacked The Sons of Texas from behind, and attempted to double team Guevara by hitting him with the tag title, but Mansoor accidentally hit Mason Madden. Guevara setup Mansoor in the corner, superkicked Mansoor, and let Rhodes hit the shattered dreams. Guevara took back his tag title and ripped the stickers off the belt as Mansoor & Madden were infuriated.

The Beast Mortos defeated Sonico

Mortos swarmed Sonico fast, throwing him all over the ring. Mortos hit a popup Samoan Drop before spiking Sonico on his head and pinning him. There is nothing like a great squash match, and this was one of them.

Thunder Rosa defeated Brittnie Brooks

Rosa kept this match pretty simple, hitting a lariat and bodyslam after a few opening moves, but Brooks managed to hit a suplex after blocking one from Rosa. Rosa ducked a chop and hit a hard one of her own on Brooks, but Brooks did a corner charge, trash talked, and ate a dropkick for it. Rose hit a hip attack in the ropes and then a Northern Lights suplex for a 2-count. Rosa countered a reverse DDT with a package bomb for the win.

Gravity & Bandido defeated The Infantry (Cpt. Shawn Dean & Carlie Bravo)

Dean started the match exchanging holds with Gravity, who lured Dean in with his spacewalk, and Dean was obviously flustered. Gravity tagged out to Bandido, who got a nice reaction from the audience that treated him like a star. Bandido hit a dropkick on Bravo and tagged back out to Gravity. Dean blind tagged in, leading to Bravo being able to clip the knee of Gravity and smash his knee against the ring post.

The Infantry kept up their attack for a few minutes, relentlessly attacking the knee of Gravity. Dean hit a Tiger Bomb and then locked on a half crab. Gravity ducked under a clothesline from Bravo and rolled into a tag. Bandido gorilla pressed Dean and tossed him into Bravo, leading to both Gravity and Bandido hitting stereo tope suicidia dives. Bandido popped up Gravity into the air, and he landed with a splash on Bravo for a 2-count that Dean broke up.

Dean and Bravo hit a double team uranage but Gravity broke up the pinfall attempt. Bravo kicked the knee of Gravity, but Bandido shoved Gravity out of the way and hit a wacky knee to Bravo. Instead of hitting the 21-Plex on Bravo, Bandido hit a tope con giro onto Dean while Gravity hit the 21-plex instead for the win.

–Big Bill and Bryan Keith ran out and attacked Gravity and Bandido. Chris Jericho slowly made his way down to the ring and hit Gravity with the ROH World Championship ad Big Bill forced Bandido to look on. Jericho then nailed Bandido with the title as the crowd booed. Simple, effective angle, with Bill and Keith getting a measure of revenge on Bandido, while Jericho continues his campaign against Bandido.

–Athena was backstage with her Minions in Training, asking them to praise her, while Diamante shoved the minions away, claiming that she was minion #1 now.

The Gates of Agony (Bishop Kaun & Toa Liona) defeated Bad Dude Tito & Che Cabrera

The audience was really into Toa Liona in this match as he basically massacred both men at the same time. I am not a fan of seeing Bad Dude Tito in a bit of a squash, but I can't deny that I really enjoyed this match. Seeing a big guy like Liona crush his opponents was fantastic. Tito, thankfully, did not eat a pin here , with Cabrera taking Open the Gates and being pinned by Liona.

Blue Panther, Blue Panther Jr., & Dark Panther defeated Gran Guerrero, Euforia, & Valiente

This was a ton of fun. It was very much so a standard lucha tag, but since we see a true lucha style tag so rarely, this was delightful.

Blue Panther took his time going around to the front row, shaking hands and high fiving fans. A true babyface. This marked Blue Panther's first time appearing in ROH, which is very cool. Blue Panther Jr. started with Valiente, with both men exchanging chops. Since the match was lucha rules, as soon a someone goes outside, a partner comes in. Blue Panther and Dark Panther hit a double flying headbutt on Valiente, and the Panther team hitting a wishbone split and a headbutt on Gran Guerrero.

Euforia was able to hit a powerbomb after an assist by Gran Guerrero and Valiente. Guerrero raised the roof and hit a basement slide dropkick that sent Blue Panther Jr. crashing to the mats on the floor hard. The fans started chanting at the heels, calling them dogs in Spanish, and they were very upset, despite their cheating and triple teaming Blue Panther causing it.

Gran Guerrero chopped Blue Panther as Euforia and Valiente held him, and he fired up to attack Guerrero, but ended up getting triple teamed. Eventually, Panther managed to escape and got a hot tag to Blue Panther Jr. and he ran wild. Blue Panther hit a flipping senton off the apron onto Valiente, while the others hit dives to the other opponents. Blue Panther hit a hurricanrana off the apron onto Euforia, which was impressive given his age. Dark Panther hit a powerbomb on Valiente for a 2-count. After a tope sucidia by Dark Panther, Blue Panther cradled Euforia for the win.

(H/T to Josiah MacDonald and

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