ROH On HonorClub Results 2/20/25

02/20/2025 10:36 PM
ROH on HonorClub starts … NOW!
Wheeler Yuta defeated Fuego Del Sol
Death Rider Yuta is the only man to be a multiple-time ROH Pure Champion. Yuta lost that title to Lee Moriarty all the way back at Death Before Dishonor 2024 and hasn't set foot in an ROH ring since. Currently, he's one-third of the AEW Trios Champions, but it's doubtful that will impress Del Sol who also has been MIA, last seen on episode #81 of ROH on Honorclub. In spite of Yuta's questionable beard, this was obviously going to be a banger!
A slap of honor was delivered by Yuta, knocking the luchadore onto his back before the bell even rung. From there, Yuta hit a senton and a whole bunch of high-impact suplexes and slams. Del Sol fought, er, kicked his way back into it though, responding with a big dropkick and headscissor takedown.
Yuta opted for a more brawling style, clearly the Death Rider influence on the former Pure Champion. That threw Del Sol for a loop at first, but as the speed of the match picked up, you could see Del Sol starting to find his groove. Yuta slowed things back down with a bridge submission move, but Del Sol got to the ropes to break it.
Del Sol found an opening and things picked up speed. After a stomp, he went up top, but Yuta turned him inside out with a running knee on is way down. That did it for Del Sol and Yuta picked up the win.
After the match, Yuta grabbed a length of chain from under the mat. Before the ref could stop him, he began choking Del Sol with it. Del Sol actually began coughing up blood while the crowd booed and the ROH locker room emptied.
Nah, it didn't. No one came to help Del Sol and Yuta just wandered off through the crowd.
Abadon defeated Rachael Ellering
Abadon's last match in ROH was way back at episode #90 when they defeated Viva Van. Ellering has not had a win in ROH since August of 2024 and counts Diamante, Trish Adora and most recently, Queen Aminata as folks who've chalked up wins over her. Abadon is no pushover, so Ellering had her hands full searching for that elusive first win of 2025.
For those not familiar with Abadon, think Finn Balor's Demon character, but if it was a clown. She's a monster in the ring and Ellering could not find a way around her off the top. Abadon refused to let go form the code of honor and Ellering tried to turn it into a headlock, only to be bitten by Abadon who did not seem to realize that was against the rules.
A contrast to the previous match, this was a slug fest. Lots of shoulders and big back elbows. Ellering wasn't able to tap into her technical skills, but pound for pound could keep up with Abadon. She hit a big senton squish, but Abadon responded with a leg drop on the ring apron (the hardest part of the ring!) followed by a knee in the corner.
Ellering decided that the shortest point between two distances was punching Abadon in the face and trying a second Squish. Abadon took some chops with a laugh and a scream before delivering a big spike cutter followed by Black Dahlia. Ellering was o-u-t, out and Abadon got the pin. And the screams. Lots of screams.
12 Man Tag Team Match: The Outrunners (Truth Magnum & Turbo Floyd), The Von Erichs (Marshall von Erich & Ross von Erich) & Top Flight (Dante Martin & Darius Martin) (w/Leila Grey) defeated Griff Garrison, Jacked Jameson, Preston Vance (w/Cole Karter) & The Premier Athletes (Ariya Daivari, Mark Sterling & Tony Nese)
The newly minted and allergic-to-shirts "Frat House" consisting of Griff Garrison, Jacked Jameson, and Preston Vance (With Cole Karter on the outside of course) teamed up with the Premier Athletes' Ariya Daivari, Tony Nese, and (for some reason) "Smart" Mark Sterling instead of Josh Woods. Their opponents were a trio of duos; Top Flight, The Outrunners, and lo and behold, it's the returning Marshal and Ross Von Erich, of the apropriately named Von Erichs! They are still two-thirds of the ROH World Six-Man Champions (along with Dustin Rhodes), and have been on the shelf since ROH epsiode #84. Now that they are back, the Trio's Titles might become an thing again, assuming MxM hasn't stolen those belts as well.
Magnum and Floyd came down to the ring and I have to mention that Magnum wearing athletic tape in the Outrunner colors was an absolute Chef's Kiss to their schtick. The crowd was really pumped for the returning Von Erichs as well.
Darious and Nese kicked things off and immediately Nese isolated Darious in the Athlete/Frat corner. They all wailed on Darious, and Garrison tagged in. Duante tagged in and Jameson met him in the middle of the ring, ducking a clothesline.
Vance and Floyd locked up next, with Floyd ending up in the corner previously occupied by Darious. After the sextuple-team, Nese tagged in Sterling who threw a few punches at Floyd before Vance tagged back in and saved him. The Athlete/Frat team set out on a whirlwind of tags, each mand spending about 15 seconds in the ring then tagging in someone else, keeping Magnum isolated.
Magnum went for a hot tag, but before he could get there, all 5 members of Athle-Frat rand around the ring and brawled with the entire other team. In the ring, Vance tried to get a quick pin, but Magnum reversed a sleeper into a back suplex and got the hottest of hot tags to Floyd.
One by one, the Frat-thletes (there it is) ran into the ring and Floyd disposed of them. Sterling tried to hit him from behind and Floyd set him up for a beating, but Jameson made the save. Magnum knocked Jameson out, leaving Sterling alone in the ring to take a Total Recall. The Von Erichs kept the Frat-thletes at bay, and Floyd pinned Sterling.
Also, just to keep you in the loop, prior to the match, Garrison, Karter and Vance made Jameson drink a mystery drink from a solo cup. I mention this, because the announcers kept mentioning the drink, but absolutely nothing came of it, in an otherwise really fun match!
Billie Starkz defeated Hyan
The Ballad of Billie Starkz lumbers on as she comes in fresh off of losses to Harley Cameron and Tony Storm on the High Seas. Now that she's back on solid ground, she may have a shot to turn things around, but with ROH Women's Champion Athena accompanying her to the ring to keep Starkz in her MiT place, who can say? Hyan was last seen on Honorclub way back in July of 2024, but has kept pretty busy on the indies since then.
The Smiling Starkz of the Sea from last week was nowhere to be found as the two locked up in the middle of the ring, exchanging wristlocks. Starkz powered through and hit a sunset flip followed by a big kick. From there, Starkz kept control of things until Hyan dodged her attempt a a cannonball, sending Starkz into the ringpost.
The two battled back and forth with Starkz going up top for a swan dive. Hyan dodged it though and hit a big back suplex for a two-count. Starkz caught a chop from Hyan and delivered a few big forearms, driving Hyan into the corner. Starkz then got Hyan up in what could best be described as a reverse Last Ride, slamming her onto her back and getting the victory.
Athena, who came to the ring with Starkz, did not appear to still be there as she left. Where did she go? Who knows. Life is full of mysteries, as is ROH.
ROH World Television Title Match: Komander (w/Alex Abrahantes) (c) defeated Lee Johnson (w/EJ Nduka)
Johnson is the second man to take Komander to a Proving Ground Draw to earn a shot at the ROH TV title. The first was QT Marshall who failed to take the title from Komander, but Johnson clearly learned a bunch watching that bout. Johnson and his pal EJ Nduka have been making waves in ROH the last couple of months, so we'll see if the big man is a factor here as well. Komander is entering his 4th title defense and 3rd in just the last five weeks.
There was an extended feeling out process between the two but once they got into it, it was a fast-paced affair. Johnson and Komander nodded in respect after a particularly crowd-pleasing exchange. Then Johnson punched him in the face. So Komander did what one does and hit him back.
Komander literally bounced off the ropes about six times to deliver a high chop to Johnson, sending him out of the ring. Nduka lurked, but did not interfere as Komander threw Johnson back in and executed a sunset bomb. That brought Nduka up onto the apron (the hardest part of Nduka!) to cause a distraction while Johnson got a hit from behind on Komander.
Johnson whipped Komander into the corner, where he punched him in the face repeatedly. Then he sent him to the outside, where the Ref caught Nduka creepin' and threatened to eject him. Johnson brought Komander back into the ring for a prolonged headlock, slowing down the pace.
Komander battled back but he collided with Johnson on the ring apron (the most collision prone part of the ring!). Komander hit a hurricanrana driver through the ropes (yeah, read that again) and planted Johnson in the ring. The two exchanged chops with Komander hitting a springboard slam to wrap it up.
Komander countered a buckle-bomb into a hurricanrana, but Johnso hit him with a huge dropkick, spinning Komander around in the air. Komander reveresed another powerbomb into a poison-rana this time, but still only a two-count. Johnson landed a brainbuster on the outside, leaving both men struggling to meet the 20 count.
Komander hurriedly unlaced his boot to avoid a sprained ankle and delivered a hige kick to Johnson's head. Johnson recovered and worked Komander's ankle once the boot was off. Johnson went up for a frog splash, landing it perfectly, but only getting a two count. He followed that up with a fisherman's brainbuster for another two.
It came down to who was going to be able to hit their signature move first, with neither man giving the other the opportunity. A One-shoed Komander went up top for his Celindo finisher and manged to get it, bum ankle and all. 1-2-3 and the title stayed with the luchadore in a killer match!
Gates Of Agony (Bishop Kaun & Toa Liona) defeated Fly Def (Warren J & Zack Zilla)
Gates of Agony have been tearing through the ROH Competition, geting wins over Vance & Garrison, LEEJ and the deadly Terry Yaki and Jay Lucas. They face a similar level of competition here against Fly Def (aka Top Team). It's kind of amazing really that Zilla and J would be a team with not one, but two horrible names. Either way, it probably won't help much against the terrifying Liona and Kaun.
Gates didn't even wait until the bell had rung to decimate J and Zilla. Once it did ring, they just took turns hitting extremely hard moves on Zilla and J, finishing by using their opponents as weapons and crushing them for a very light pin.
Dark Panther, Fuego & ROH World Tag Team Champion Sammy Guevara defeated Barbaro Cavernario, Hechicero & Soberano Jr.
Contested under "Luchadore Rules", this CMLL spotlight match had everyone stoked! Guevara has had his Championhip Belt stolen by the MxM Collection twice now, once on ROH and once at AEW/ROH Global Wars. Hopefully he'll still have the focus in this match featuring some of CMLL's top talent. Fuego was making his Ring of Honor debut, but Dark Panther has a little ROH experience to his credit, participating in the 2016 Survival of the Fittest Tournament. As for their opponents, Cavernario, Hechicero and Soberano all took part in the ROH SUMMER SUPERCARD event in August 2019.
So now you know all that.
MxM Collection perched at the top of the ring to tease Guevara about his belt in their posession. This must have been very confusing the other five men in the match. Fuego started things off, running quickly through his three opponents. That brought in Panther and Guevara and all hell broke loose. At this point, it was virtually impossible to tell who was legal and who wasn't.
Cavernario(a literal cave man) dragged Guevara into the oppposite corner. There he was triple teamed while MxM laughed at the top of the ring. Here, I also noticed that MxM had pasted pictures of themselves on the tag title belt. Classic.
Back in the ring, Fuego was legal and also alone in the ring against Soberano, Hechicero and Cavernario. Dark Panther made the save, but found himself in a similar triple team situation. A triple face buster and triple surboard left him wrecked, but there was no one to tag in his corner. The ref did not seem to care that it had been 3-on-1 for almost the whole match.
Panther landed a series of backbreakers and Guevara and Hechicero faced off in the ring. Guevara reminded everyone just how good his is, hanging with the luchadores at every step. The MxM Collection creeped closer to the ring as Sammy hit a big flip. Cavernario splatted a huge flapjack onto Gueveara who slid under the ropes, allowing Fuego to be able to slip in as legal (luchadore rules, look it up).
Fuego and Hechicero had a wild exchange full of sentons and flips that the crowd ate up. Soberano found himself on the top rope and hit a huge splash on Panther. he tried it again, but Panther dodged it, ending up outside where Cavernario hit a frog spash from the ringpost.
Guevara and Hechicero were left alone in the ring to exchange knees and slams. Guevara got him up for a GTH, but Mansoor hit Guevara in the back with his own belt. Fuego jumped in to take over, landing himself in Hechicero's trap submission move, kind of a rolling head-leg-lock. Fuego used it to roll the reversal and get the pin.
After the match, MxM tried to take out Guevara, but Fuego and Panther came to his rescue and Guevara hit a GTH on Mansoor while Madden ran away, in hilarious fashion.
(H/T to Jeff Moss and F4WOnline.com)
The post ROH On HonorClub Results 2/20/25 appeared first on Wrestling Headlines.