Jessica Troy Hypes DELTA's NXT Debut: She's The Coolest Person You've Ever Seen, Exudes Confidence,630

Photo Credit: WWE

Jessica Troy weighs in on her fellow Australian’s move to WWE NXT.

Earlier this week, WWE NXT fans received a teaser of an imminent debut, specifically that of “The Adelaide Powerhouse” DELTA. Before moving to the United States to join the NXT brand, DELTA completed a tour of independent dates in her home country of Australia. One of those final dates saw her vie for the PWA Heavyweight Championship at Pro-Wrestling Australia’s King of the Metro event. Her opponent, and the victor in the title match, was the long-reigning champion Jessica Troy, also known as “The Arm Collector.”

WrestleZone’s Ella Jay recently spoke with Troy about her title match with DELTA, and the mixed emotions surrounding it, knowing DELTA was leaving Australia shortly after.

“It was a very big, bittersweet moment because she’s just the best person ever,” Troy said. “And we get on really well in and out of the ring. We’ve wrestled each other a few times now. We had a big few matches down in Melbourne as well, so to do it in Sydney was really nice. It would have been nice to also do it in Adelaide where she’s from, but we take what we can take. Then to have that moment afterwards, it’s sad, but also so exciting, because I won’t get to wrestler again. Well, you never know. Won’t get to wrestler her again, but yeah, happy to see someone that deserves that success get that success.”

What Can NXT Fans Expect From DELTA?

In debuting in NXT, DELTA will be introducing herself to a new fanbase. With this in mind, Troy provided a preview of what NXT fans can expect to see from the former RCW Grand Champion once she officially arrives.

“I would describe [DELTA] as the coolest person you’ve ever seen,” Troy said. “Just think of a cool person and then that’s what she is. She’s jacked. She has this sick makeup and amazing gear. She just has that presence when she gets out into the ring, she’s kind of understands who she is. And you can tell because she seems so comfortable within her skin when she’s in the ring. That really portrays through her wrestling as well. She just exudes confidence.”

Watch our full interview with Jessica below:

You can also watch our past interview with DELTA:

The post Jessica Troy Hypes DELTA’s NXT Debut: She’s The Coolest Person You’ve Ever Seen, Exudes Confidence appeared first on Wrestlezone.
