AEW Collision: Slam Dunk Sunday Results

Round two!
  • Johnny TV vs. Bandido
  • Harley Cameron vs. Aminah Belmont
  • Hologram & Komander vs. LFI
  • AEW World Trios Championship: The Death Riders vs. Top Flight & AR Fox

Make sure to keep refreshing the page as the most recent results are below!

AEW Collision: Slam Dunk Sunday

As was the case yesterday, we’re still here at the Liberty First Credit Union Arena in Omaha, Nebraska! Nigel McGuinness and Tony Schiavone are on commentary and we’re starting off with a title match.

Match #1. AEW World Trios Championship: The Death Riders vs. Top Flight & AR Fox

Darius Martin and Wheeler Tura to start, as both guys have an exciting hold-for-hold here, ending with Darius dropkicking Yuta in the face. Spinning back kick, low foot sweep, and a double knee drop by Top Flight. Pac comes in and gets caught with a diving back elbow by Dante. AR Fox in now and he connects with an enziguiri. Somersault foot stomp to Pac on the apron and a senton, off of Pac, to Yuta on the floor. Claudio connects with a running boot on Fox on the floor and Death Riders are back in control. Fox is grounded now and Yuta is in with a snap suplex. One count. Jawbreaker by Fox and he makes the tag to Darius. Low bulldog over the middle rope and a bottom rope assisted Flatliner. Two count. Springboard somersault senton by Dante takes out Claudio but Yuta rakes Darius’ eyes behind the referee’s back. Arm trapped Angle Slam gets two and we’re going to commercial. Back from break and Yuta connects with a dropkick to Darius’ face before Pac gets the tag. Pac strangles Darius with the bottom rope and there’s quick tags made here. Claudio in now and he pops Darius up into the air, as Darius counters with a dropkick. Dante gets the tag and he clears the ring. Springboard cross body to Yuta. Dante sends Pac into Yuta, before sending both guys to the floor. Double jump springboard somersault senton. Fox catches Claudio with a running moonsault off the middle rope to the floor. Senton by Fox off the top to Yuta! Two count. Fox goes up again but Claudio snatches the leg. Top Flight pull off Claudio but Yuta crotches Fox. Double low blow on the far side by Pac. Death Riders circle Fox but Fox fights back with lefts, rights, chops, and whatever else he can muster. Triple team beat down by Death Riders. Forever running back elbows by everyone. Tombstone by Pac and the Fastball Special finishes this one.

Winner and STILL AEW World Trios Champions: The Death Riders

Rating: ***. A solid win for Claudio and company here, but why did Top Flight and Pac get a title shot? The Trios titles are a mess, to be honest. The match was good, though.

Action Andretti and Lio Rush jump Top Flight and AR Fox after the match.

Lexy Nair is with The Undisputed Kingdom. Cole says he had him beat for the title, and the time is what saved him. Next time, no time limit, no interference.  Kyle wants to know if FTR are the best tag team ever, or if they’re just insecure? Roddy says FTR should hear this. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Third time… won’t happen.

Match #2. Johnny TV vs. Bandido

TV cuts Bandido off and delivers some roundhouse kicks to the back. Bandido with a running monkey flip and TV over-flips and lands on his face. Military press by Bandido, who transitions to a single-arm military before dropping him to the mat. Commercial time. Back with TV running into a big boot in the corner. European uppercut by Bandido. Double boots to Bandido catch Johnny in mid-air. Reverse fireman’s carry into the GTS! 21 Plex and this one is over.

Winner: Bandido

Rating: **1/4. Bandido rules but this one was unnecessarily quick. The commercial break in the middle of the match really ate up a huge chunk.

Bandido grabs the mic and calls out Chris Jericho, demanding he bring his brother, Gravity’s mask.

Chris Jericho and the Learning Tree are here. Jericho says you can only take him for granted for so long, and you can only take from Jericho for so long until he starts taking back. Jericho can be generous, but he can also be dangerous… just ask Bandido’s family. You want the mask don’t you, Bandido? Well you can’t have it. Jericho wants Bandido to remember how he felt and proceeds to put Gravity’s mask on. Bandido blasts Jericho in the face and evades Big Bill, while pump kicking Bryan Keith. Bandido rips the mask off Jericho and escapes to the back.

A video package for The Megasus, Megan Bayne, is shown.

Toni Storm is here. Timeless cuts just an absolutely Timeless promo… just go watch it.

Match #3. Harley Cameron vs. Ainah Belmont

Kitchen sink by Harley and a Russian Leg Sweep. Belmont with a sit-out neckbreaker but she runs into a back elbow. Enziguiri by Harley. Pump handle tear drop suplex by Harley. FEEL THE WRATH. Harley finishes this one with… Her Finishing Move.

Winner: Harley Cameron

Rating: NR

Kyle Fletcher will be at Dynamite this Wednesday with Don Callis, and they will make it very clear what’s next for them.

Match #4. Hologram & Komander w/ Alex Abrahantes vs. La Faccion Ingobernable

Harley Cameron joins the announce desk for this one. Hologram and Mortos do some insane back and forth early, ending with Holoram going deva vu three times and sending Mortos reeling with an arm drag. Komander tags himself in and catches Mortos with a springboard frog splash. Inside-out tieres and a follow up in the corner but Mortos gets the feet up. Dralistico runs through Komander with a shoulder block but Komander walks the ropes with an arm drag. Enziguiri over the ropes by Komander to Mortos, but Dralistico dives over the top with a hurricanrana to the floor. Mortos with a corkscrew suicide dive to Hologram and we’re headed to commercial. Harley makes her way to the back during the break, by the way. Double clotheslines in the corner and Spanish Fly by Hologram. Phoenix Splash by Komander and Harleygram has returned to ringside. Mortos and Holgoram are legal. Hook kick by Hologram. Two. Mortos catches Hologram in mid-air but Hologram counters with a destroyer. 100% commitment on the suicide dive by Hologram! Rope walk Shooting Star Press by Komander! Arm trapped cradle by Hologram but Dralistico breaks up the pin. Komander and Dralistoco get the tag now. Dralistico catches Komander walking the ropes but Komander flips out. Rope walk double jump poisonrana to Dralistico! WOW. Mortos takes out Komander with a huge spear. Hologram is here with a step up poisonrana to Mortos! Springboard crucifix bomb by Dralistico! Double high kick and Komaner falls on Dralistico for the two count. Springboard twisting destroyer by Dralistico! Hologram breaks up the pin. Suicide dive by Hologram but he lands hard. Harleygram checks on Hologram, and Mortos is smitten! That allows Komander to rope walk from the far side with a corkscrew press! Back in the ring, Portal Bomb by Hologram into the rope walk Shooting Star Press by Komander! One, two, three!

Winners: Hologram & Komander

Rating: ****. Uh, this ruled. If you like lucha libre, this is your jam. They kept the crowd in it the entire time and Dralistico really got a chance to shine in this one, which I haven’t seen in a while. Excellent main event to cap off a long night for the fans in attendance.

Final Thoughts: Wild weekend of programming here, but the best match of the weekend main evented the second night and it was the right call. AEW needs to fix the issue they have with the trios titles if they want us to care about them at all, and sooner rather than later. All four wrestlers in the main event brought it and Hologram and Komander have a chance at really being an excellent tag team. Thumbs up tonight. 8/10. 

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