Ace Romero Reveals He Has Lost 200 Pounds In One Year,630

Photo Credit: TNA / Ace Romero via Instagram

Ace Romero is unrecognizable after losing a whopping 200 pounds, as revealed in his recent social media posts.

The wrestler previously competed in TNA between 2019 and 2021. He also made a surprise appearance in the Casino Battle Royal at Double or Nothing 2019.

Ace Romero stood out in both promotions due to his sheer size. He looked to be over 400 lbs, an unhealthy weight for a man of his size and build. However, that has all changed. In the past year, Romero has been putting in the work. He posted two Instagram posts recently showcasing his weight loss journey and new, healthier look.

He posted a photo showing his new look, with the caption “It feels good to be back 200 pounds lost in one year”, a remarkable achievement.

Ace Romero also posted a video of himself on the stair master on the gym and running outside.

“Some of you guys out there are like ‘he’s on Ozympic!'” Romero said. “‘There’s no way he can lose that much weight in one year’. Bitch I’m on the Stairmaster!”

Ace Romero hasn’t wrestled since February and has been on a reduced schedule in the past few years. He was recently featured by a Portland, Maine, news station for using his experiences in pro wrestling as a mentorship opportunity in his role as a corrections officer.

Ace Romero credited Bully Ray and Ethan Page for inspiring his weight loss journey

Ace Romero has been open in the past about his weight loss and health issues. He toldWrestleZone that some key advice and examples by two pro wrestling veterans helped to inspire him. Romero credited advice from Ethan Page with helping set things in motion for a healthier lifestyle. He also said Bully Ray’s transformation upon joining TNA showed him that evolving could also ensure his longevity in the pro wrestling business.

"I can only be the big guy who does flips for so long. That's what got me to where I am now. But I have to keep evolving otherwise I'll get lost in the shuffle," Romero told WrestleZone. "I look to the pattern of someone like Bully Ray. Bully Ray was one way his entire career and things had kind of got stale, as great as the tag team was—they're one of my favorites—and he went to TNA and what did he do? He dropped a bunch of weight," Romero said, "and it was a whole new guy, a whole new character. This guy looked one way his entire career and then he was able to transform himself and get to the next level and add another layer to his character."

"I think that's cool because people who watch any TV show or any kind of movie, the things that make characters draw you in the most is like their journey," Romero explained, "the layers added onto their character and things that happen in their life, that makes them who they are. I think that's cool for me to keep working at this. Because once I get to the end, my goal, I think what's going to happen it's going to help me evolve, help me in the long run – health and my career."

The post Ace Romero Reveals He Has Lost 200 Pounds In One Year appeared first on Wrestlezone.
