TNA iMPACT Results 7/4/24

TNA iMPACT starts NOW!

Trey Miguel vs. Leon Slater

The match kicks off with a bang as Leon Slater charges at Trey Miguel. The two exchange stunning X Division moves, culminating in a spectacular dive from Slater, leaving Trey laid out on the floor.

Trey turns the tide by pulling Slater face-first into the middle turnbuckle, followed by a running dropkick. Slater regains momentum with an impressive out-of-nowhere cutter.

Trey counters with a combo ending in a double stomp, but Slater refuses to stay down. Slater catches Trey with a Blue Thunder Bomb and heads to the top rope for his signature Swanton 450, but NXT's Charlie Dempsey interferes, attacking Slater, laying out the referee Frank Gastineu, and leaving chaos in the ring.

Trey Miguel vs. Leon Slater ends in no contest.

Gia Miller interviews Matt and Rebecca Hardy about their upcoming match against Eddie and Alisha Edwards.

The Rascals are furious and call out Charlie Dempsey for next week's TNA iMPACT.

Dani Luna vs. Jody Threat – 10-Minute Challenge

Luna and Jody feel each other out, with Jody landing the first blow with a shoulder tackle. Cameras cut backstage to reveal Nic Nemeth laid out on the stairs.

Back in the ring, Luna and Jody are evenly matched, exchanging clotheslines in the corner. Jody locks in an arm submission and attempts her signature double knees on the ropes, but Luna evades. They battle on the apron, exchanging kicks as the clock ticks down. Jody climbs the top turnbuckle, but Luna counters with a superplex followed by a Falcon Arrow as the clock expires.

Dani Luna vs. Jody Threat ends in a draw.

Daniel Spencer grants 5 more minutes, but Alisha Edwards and Masha Slamovich blindside Spitfire.

Santino is on the phone when Mustafa Ali bursts in, trying to retract his challenge to Mike Bailey from Slammiversary. He argues Bailey needs to earn a shot at the X Division Championship. Santino decides Bailey will have a number one contenders match next week on TNA iMPACT.

Frankie Kazarian vs. Mike Santana

Santana starts strong, overwhelming Kazarian and sending him to the floor.

Kaz evades and counters with a leg drop on the apron, then slingshots Santana into the barricade. Santana stuns Kaz with a boot in the corner, follows with a superkick, and a Death Valley Driver.

Kaz counters with a DDT and a springboard leg drop, but it's not enough. Santana turns the tide with a buckle bomb and running senton. He attempts Spin The Block, but Kaz reverses into a neckbreaker. Santana lands a rolling buck 50.

DC interferes, pushing Santana into the corner post, causing him to bleed and get counted out.

Frankie Kazarian def. Mike Santana.

Dr. Ross anxiously seeks an update on PCO and Steph De Lander.

AJ Francis talks about his run as Digital Media Champion. Santino interrupts, announcing Francis will defend his title against PCO at Slammiversary!

Matt and Rebecca Hardy vs. Alisha and Eddie Edwards

Chants of "Queen Rebecca" fill the iMPACT Zone as Alisha retreats, chased by Rebecca.

The System intimidates Rebecca, forcing her to tag in Matt. Eddie tags in and faces an angry Matt Hardy, who dominates Eddie. Rebecca slaps Eddie, and she and Matt stomp him out. Eddie regains control, sending Matt into the corner post and tagging Alisha. Matt evades, pushing Eddie into Alisha, allowing Rebecca to take her down. The Hardys hit Poetry in Motion

Eddie grabs Rebecca's leg, turning the tables. Alisha beats down Rebecca until she tags in Matt, who drops a huge elbow from the second rope and lands a Side Effect, but Eddie kicks out. Myers gets ejected, distracting Eddie, who lands a Blue Thunder Bomb. Rebecca interrupts, low-blowing Eddie, allowing Matt to hit a Twist of Fate for the win.

Matt and Rebecca Hardy def. Alisha and Eddie Edwards. 

Myers confronts Santino after being ejected. ABC mocks them, and Santino sets a match between ABC and The System for next week.

Jordynne Grace talks about Ash By Elegance and their upcoming match at Slammiversary. She issues another open challenge for next week's TNA iMPACT!

Thursday on TNA iMPACT!

Matthew Rehwoldt and Tom Hannifan preview upcoming events.

Joe Hendry vs. Jake Something

Hendry starts with a Shoulder Tackle but can't budge the monstrous Jake Something. Hendry lifts Jake for a massive Stalling Suplex.

Jake quickly recovers, laying out Hendry with multiple shoulder tackles and a cross body on the floor. Hendry fires back with chops, regaining momentum with a chop block. Jake locks in a headlock and hits a Michinoku Driver, but it's not enough to secure a spot at Slammiversary. A huge clothesline fires up Hendry, who avoids Jake's Into the Void but gets crushed again. Both men collide, exchanging punches, and Hendry lands a Standing Ovation, securing his spot in the 6-way elimination match at Slammiversary!

Joe Hendry def. Jake Something

The System leaves the venue, Moose thanks JDC for taking out Santana and Nemeth. JDC responds, clarifying that he only took out Santana and didn't lay a finger on Nic Nemeth. Nearby, Kazarian, smoking a cigar, smirks and calls them "marks."

TNA iMPACT goes off the air.


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