CM Punk Explains Mindset Behind Talking Steve Austin & Bret Hart Into Hitting Him With Their Finishers,630

Photo Credit: WWE

CM Punk managed to convince Steve Austin to give him, The Miz and R-Truth stunners in a dark segment.

In conversation with the No-Contest Wrestling podcast, CM Punk spoke about convincing Austin to do in a run-in on dark match he was wrestling in.

“I remember I was in San Diego. He’s just backstage, like, twiddling his thumbs. I walk up to him and go, ‘Hey, what are you doing?’. And he's like, ‘Yeah, I did my segment.’ So I go, ‘Listen, I’ve got to do a dark match’. I look at, arguably, the biggest star in the industry and go, ‘You want to come out and send these people home happy?'”

“And he's like, ‘Goddamn kid, what do you got in mind?’ So I tell him, ‘Well, I'm supposed to do a dark match, and I really don't want to take a bunch of bumps. Nothing is going to make these people happier than me going out there, beating up Rey, inviting a bunch of other heels out, beating up Rey again, and then the music hits, glass breaks, and you come down. You wanna give us all a bunch of stunners?'”

CM Punk Recruited The Miz and R-Truth To Take Stunners From Steve Austin

CM Punk continued. He revealed that he went backstage, and had no issue finding wrestlers to join him in the ring with Austin.

He recruited R-Truth and The Miz to join him in the ring. They loved it. The fans went home happy seeing Steve Austin doing his famous beer bath to end the night.

“It was the first time I saw that twinkle in Steve's eye. He's like, ‘Goddamn kid, can we do that?’ And I go, ‘You can do whatever the fuck you want!'”

“So I get Miz, Truth, and ask, ‘Guys, you want to take some stunners?’ And of course, everybody's just like, ‘Yes, let’s go!’ It turned into us all being total nerds, just geeks, taking stunners from Austin. He did the whole beer bath, and those people went home happy. Those people are going to come back next time, walking past the box office like, ‘I had such a good time, I'm buying tickets now.'”

CM Punk Also Convinced Bret Hart To Put Him In The Sharpshooter

He continued, and CM Punk spoke about when he convinced Bret Hart to lock him in the Sharpshooter to end Raw.

“It's like when I worked with Bret Hart. He came in, and I was working a match with Rey. Bret was the referee. This was just on some random Raw. They brought Bret in, but they weren’t really doing anything with him.”

“I feel like we can better facilitate now what to do with all these legends when they come around, instead of just a cheap pop like, ‘Here he is, look at him!’ I want to involve them. I selfishly never got to work with a Steve Austin or Bret Hart, so of course, I walk up to Bret and I'm like, ‘Hey, I have an idea.'”

“‘What do you think of, after the pin, I shove you, and stuff like that? You want to punch me and put me in a Sharpshooter?’ I see him light up, and he’s like, ‘Yeah! Yeah, I do! Is that okay with you?’ ‘Is it okay with me?! I’m the bad guy! Put me in the Sharpshooter, Bret Hart, please!'”

“There's been a few moments where I've gotten to do that with some legends I never thought I'd be able to work with in any capacity. But again, I'm fortunate I got to do that with those guys.”

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