Cards vs. Cubs recap: June 14, 2024

Photo by Quinn Harris/Getty Images

For the first time this year, I get to recap a winner!

Today's game was a pitcher's duel for sure. Kyle Gibson looked good, and so did Jordan Wicks early on before he left with an injury. That was a bad break for the Cubs, but then a bad break came for the Cardinals when Chicago went to Kyle Hendricks.

Hendricks continued his dominance of the Cardinals, but Gibson was matching him pitch for pitch. Gibby made it through seven before things got going.

Pedro Pages hit his first big-league homer to put St. Louis on top, and the Cardinals added two more in the ninth. Ryan Helsley made it a little bit interesting, walking two batters with two out to bring the tying run to the plate. But he got the job done and the Cardinals pulled out a huge win.

There were some moments that made me nervous. The Cubs hit a couple of balls to the warning track that looked to be home runs. But the wind knocked them down and helped the Cardinals keep their rivals at bay. The big one came in the eighth when Patrick Wisdom hit one out to left field. When Brendan Donovan caught the ball, Cardinal Nation breathed a collective sigh of relief.

Let's break this one down.

Back to .500

Not much to say on this particular note, but the Cardinals got back to .500 for the first time since May 30. This is huge. I've been beating the drum on selling at the deadline, but I'd be more than happy to see the Cardinals flip the narrative, as well as change my mind.

Today felt like one of those wins that they could build off of. It's three in a row, and they did it at Wrigley Field against the Cubs. I know the Cubs have been struggling, but this game was a big statement for the Cardinals.

A first for Pages

With Ivan Herrera in the DH spot, that left a place in the lineup open for Pedro Pages. His hitting will eventually come around. We haven't seen much yet, but I think he'll get there.

If he does, today was a great start. You could tell Hayden Wesneski knew he made a mistake after Pages made contact. The ball snuck out of the yard for his first big-league homer, and that proved to be the difference in the game.

This was good to see. I'm really happy for Pages that he got to have a moment like that, especially in this atmosphere with the Cardinals-Cubs rivalry. He's worked hard to get here, and he deserves this special moment.

Gibson dominates

How about Kyle Gibson today? He was fantastic.

The veteran right-hander breezed through seven innings against the slumping Cubs, allowing just two hits and one walk. He also struck out six.

I'm often quick to criticize John Mozeliak, but you really have to give him props for signing Gibson. It wasn't a sexy move by any means, and at the time, I hated it, believing Mo should have aimed higher.

But Gibson has done his job. He's been even better than expected, giving the Cardinals the innings they need but also not allowing many runs. He's somebody I trust to take the ball and at the very least, keep the Cardinals in the game. The 36-year-old set the tone today, and it was exciting to watch.

He's got a club option for 2025. If the season ended today, and if it were up to me, I would pick up that option without a second thought.

The Cardinals have a tall task tomorrow when they face Shota Imanaga. They'll counter with Andre Pallante. I'll back to recap Sunday's game. Go Cards!
