5/21/24 Bradish vs Lance Lynn in St Louis Part 1

The game was suspended by the umps even though they could've finished it

T1 Lance Lynn made short order of the Orioles, looking comfortable on the mound.

B1 Bradish... I can't stop thinking of him as Brad-ish or B-Radish. Anywho, Lars Nootbaar in rare form got extremely pissed off at the umpires and up in their faces. Marmol held him back but appeared to be mad at the umps too. This was with two out and Goldy at 0-2. However, he struck out again, which I've seen him do too many times this year. Nootbaar was made because of an umpire call and he was actually trolling him from the dugout, maybe. He got thrown out of the game!

T2 Lance Lynn had another easy inning, even though he put a man on base by HBP.

B2 Burleson continued his hot streak with a seeing eye single which avoided the middle infielders. Herrera up, he worked the count. Willie McGee in the dugout... I'd love to hear what Willie thinks about baseball today with all its technological breakthroughs. Herrera ended up advancing Burly to the keystone by grounding out. THEN! Gorman hit a ball so far to center that the center fielder got crossed up and couldn't catch the ball, even though he ran back to it and nearly made an AMAZING play. Not quite, Orioles! He almost hurt his wrist or something in the process. 1-0 Redbirds. Gorman and Burleson with the hits, that was all the Cards could come up with.

T3 Lance Lynn challenged a batter inside, and he laced a double. Mateo was at the plate, and he was popping up foul balls. Then he threw a pitch really high in the zone. It was a ball and two strikes. What did Mr. Lynn do? He struck Mateo out! Against Rutschman, a ball well outside was called a strike. So the umpire was creating a big zone for the pitchers to work in during this game (that had a tornado watch). Lynn did it again this inning and kept the home-happy Orioles at bay! Oh yeah, and it was a hot windy day today in the lou.

B3 Siani out. Brendan Donovan got hit on the damn foot by a pitch. Man on first and Carlson attempting to get himself some playing time. Bradish losing control. Is there a Brad Bradish on this planet? I bet there is. Dylan Carlson struck out and looked a bit foolish. Could Goldschmidt drive the runner in, or at least extend the inning? He did! But it was a double on the right field line, oppo style, and the outfielder got to it quickly and had the arm to keep the runner from scoring. Arenado then took the wind out of our sails and grounded to short ON THE FIRST PITCH. Anticlimactic there, 'nado. You should hit better with the tor-nado watch.

T4 Lance Lynn was still in the zone in the 4th as well. Dealin'. Probably the best he's looked all year. Or close to it. He retired the side.

B4 Burly bear up again, but he swung at a high pitch way outside the zone and popped up into foul territory behind the catcher. 1 out.... 2 out.... Gorman up. He worked the count and took a walk. He's adjusting. Masyn Winn was up next and he's really dialing it in: he hit a double down the right field line! Again, with a runner at 2nd and 3rd scenario, with two out. Siani up this time! The count was 1-1, but then he simply grounded out to 2nd. Still 1-0 Cardinals.

T5 Lance Lynn had more work to do, with not much of a lead to work with whatsoever. I hope this is preparing the starting rotation for close games, because I'd like for the offense to start producing soon and stay that way for a while. But I suppose we will have a lot of close games this year. What magic Lance was spinnin, he had the Orioles hitters flabbergasted tonight. Gorman botched an out, however, andit allowed a runner on, and he was able to stretch it into a man on second base of the way the ball careened into the outfield. Mateo then almost got a hit but it was just foul. Could Lynn keep it together? He threw a wild pitch but the runner couldn't advance on it. Good job, Herrera, in getting his body behind it. Mateo doubled to Burleson, so it was 1-1. Luckily Lynn limited the damage to 1 run. I gotta blame Gorman on this one, Lynn looked like he was cruising.

B5 Donovan lead off with a ground out. Carlson still sucks at hitting. Goldschmidt was up with nobody on. Offense couldn't come through.

T6 This game was truly a pitcher's duel at this point, because I blinked and Lance Lynn had already retired the side!

B6 It's a TARP! We were officially postponed Middle 6. It sure got dark before this point, because of DARK CLOUDS. Doom. The storm ended up not being anything too scary. But it caused a long delay. So long that the game is suspended until tomorrow after 11am. Whatever.

And with that, folks, I don't have much else to write about as this is a recap and the game cannot finish tonight. I'll wrap up this portion of the recap. The game is tied at 1-1 for tonight.


  • This was a game of doubles (so far) with Gorman and Mateo's double moving the WPA graph lines in roughly equal amounts.
  • Lynn was the player of the game for tonight's portion, with a .215 WPA effect.
  • Lance pitched 6 innings, shut out the other team as the 1 run scored was accounted as an error to Gorman, while he gave up only 2 hits and struck out 5 batters.
  • Bradish had pitched 5 innings, gave up an earned run and more hits than Lynn, but struck out 6 batters, barely besting Lynn in that dept.
  • The Cardinals are 5 games under .500 and 4.5 games behind the Cubs while 6.5 behind the Brewers. The Cardinals are still in the bottom 5 teams in MLB going by run differential, so hopefully they can turn it around soon. Let's start tomorrow morning!

The game resumes at 11:15am and they will presumably play the 2nd game just after that. How odd. That's more 2024 for ya. Thanks for reading this partial recap.
