Woman Who Went Viral In Ron DeSantis Photo Taking Advantage Of Her Fame


The General

The woman who went viral in an old photo of Florida governor Ron DeSantis is taking advantage of her newfound fame.

Calah Jackson, who started going viral earlier this week after an old photo of DeSantis visiting a cattle ranch made the rounds on social media, had a message for her new followers. She and her significant other, Steven McBee, whose family owns the ranch, decided to cash in on her viral moment.

Jackson and McBee took to social media with a new advertisement for their meat. In order to sell a few more steaks, Jackson posed with the meat barely covering her while shirtless.

The decision came after DeSantis signed a bill that would outlaw the manufacture and distribution of lab grown meat. In the wake of his decision a photo of several people, including Jackson, was shared on social media.

Jackson revealed the image was nearly a year old on her X account.

"Honored to meet @RonDeSantis yesterday and for the support and awareness he brings to small town businesses and agriculture . And no…I'm not vegan," she said.

In addition to spicy advertisement, Jackson also has some more savory content on her social media account.

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She's certainly making the most of her moment.
