Nick Wright Takes Side In Stephen A. Smith, LeBron James Incident

03/15/2025 10:28 AM
Believe it or not, the biggest feud in the NBA right now involves Los Angeles Lakers star LeBron James and ESPN personality Stephen A. Smith.
Earlier this month, James confronted Smith in the middle of a Lakers game. He had an issue with comments that were made about his son, Bronny James. During last Friday's episode of First Take, the outspoken ESPN personality owned up to his questionable behavior.
"That wasn't a basketball player confronting me," Smith said. "That was a parent, that was a father. I can't sit here and be angry or feel slighted by LeBron James in any way in that regard."
Well, it didn't take long for Smith to walk back those comments. During an appearance on Gilbert Arenas' podcast, he had this to say: "I thought it was weak, I thought it was some [expletive]."
Fox Sports personality Nick Wright couldn't help but offer his two cents on this feud between James and Smith.
Wright ultimately believes Smith is wrong in this situation.
"He is so wrong on this," Wright declared. "The conversations surrounding this is so incorrect on the facts. LeBron James did not check Stephen A. about Stephen A. criticizing Bronny James the basketball player. LeBron James checked Stephen A. about Stephen A. criticizing LeBron James the father."
Wright then offered some advice to Smith, who recently appeared on Sean Hannity's Fox News show to talk about his rift with James.
"We in the media have to have the humility to at times just take an L," Wright said. "We can't do what we do to these athletes and then act so wounded if somebody does it to us."
Wright's comments might not sit well with people because he's considered a "LeBron fanboy" by some people.
That being said, Wright wasn't lying when he suggested that certain media members want to fire off strong takes without receiving any backlash for them.
Related: Sean Hannity Takes Side In LeBron, Stephen A. Smith Feud